Unicameral District 9 Blog
- WelcomeThank you for visiting my website. It is an honor to represent the people of the 9th legislative district in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature. You’ll find my contact information on the right side of this page, as well as a list of the bills I’ve introduced this session and the committees on which I serve.
- WelcomeThank you for visiting my website. It is an honor to represent the people of the 9th legislative district in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature. You’ll find my contact information on the right side of this page, as well as a list of the bills I’ve introduced this session and the committees on which I serve.
- 2022 Session ReviewThe 107th Nebraska Legislature, Second Session adjourned last week. We said farewell to 13 senators who will not be returning next year, and looked back on an eventful and busy session. I am disappointed in the failure of the Legislature to pass Sen. Steve Lathrop’s LB920, which was an important step in criminal justice reform
- Week Two SummaryBill introductions continued this week, as floor debate began on a number of early Senator priority bills. I introduced one more bill, LB1026, the Unlawful Restrictive Covenant Modification Act. It allows for the removal of unlawful and discriminatory restrictive covenants from deeds upon request with the county Register of Deeds. The county may charge a fee
- Day 4 Bill IntroductionsMonday was Day 4 of the 107th Nebraska Legislature, Second Session. I introduced five bills yesterday. LB923 would provide for digital on-premises tickets for Keno games. Sen. Carol Blood and Sen. Steve Lathrop joined me as cosponsors on this bill. LB934 would make driving with expired plates a secondary offense punishable by a fine. LB951 would increase the
- Day 2 & 3 Bill IntroductionsThe first week of the new legislative session is behind us. Floor debate begins next week on a number of bills, and bill introduction continues. Thursday and Friday, I introduced three new bills. LB810 improves reporting requirements of juvenile room confinement. LB878 provides for automatic bail review after 14 days for misdemeanor and city or village ordinance
- Day 1 Bill IntroductionsThe 107th Nebraska Legislature, 2nd Session convened yesterday. I introduced four bills yesterday: LB731 allows political subdivisions to require reasonable notice to adjacent property owners or residents prior to installation of a small wireless facility, and requires certification that the installation or modification of a utility pole complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Sen.
- WelcomeThank you for visiting my website. It is an honor to represent the people of the 9th legislative district in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature. You’ll find my contact information on the right side of this page, as well as a list of the bills I’ve introduced this session and the committees on which I serve.
- 2022 Session Convenes WednesdayThe 107th Nebraska Legislature, 2nd Session convenes tomorrow, January 5. I am looking forward to getting back to work for District 9 and the people of Nebraska, and seeing my colleagues again on the floor of the Legislature. We will undoubtedly have a lot to discuss in this short 60-day session. Bill introductions will begin
- Post-Special Session ThoughtsToday the Nebraska Legislature officially finished redistricting. I appreciate all of the engagement from Nebraskans on these maps. I know many people feel their voices were not heard because we are not happy with the final result. I want you to know that your voice did make a difference. Without the engagement of all of